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Awesome I've been in search for a channel(now app)associated with clothing,that specifically caters to business and professional ware. Antonio is by far the go to person, for those that seek help in elevating their style, without losing their professional apperance. I've been a following his channel for years now, and i take his advice, I hope that it (this) helps you add value to your wardrobe.
Brandon Petersen
Great I've been following RMRS for a little over a year now and I've talked to Antonio and given my advice to him. The app works great, I haven't had a problem with it yet. I think having all this information now on an app for a quick reference when it is needed is awesome. Can't wait to watch it grow!
For senior and upcoming Gentleman. Everything here is solid, fact based advice on men's style coming from a real, respectable and honest guy, not another "Men's health" or other large corporation that only cares about its profit, but a reliable, really good guy.
Xavier Lopez
Greatest blog for all aspects of being Man. Thx you, Antonio and RMRS team
Данил Амиров
Great App I've been following Antonio for about 4 years. Amazing content. Tons of useful information. Great job!
Alexander Sidorov
Simply Amazing
Cowboy Hank